Saturday, July 31, 2010

August 2010 - Youth Month (LCI)

Dear fellow Lions, 

According to our LCI website, August is declared as a month where we focus on youth activities!

“Engaging Our Youth” Global Service Action Campaign.."

This is a call for us, Lions, to put a little thought into the youths of today. Be it your sponsored Leos, or youths at the age of 13-25... these are our future! The United Nations International Youth Day on August 12, 2010 is a day where people all over the world celebrate a day o significantly strengthen the base and foundations of the youths, giving them guidance, support and assistance, and I recall hearing one of the speeches by Past International Director Hjh Ellis Suriyati where she said, "Youths today, are our Future! Train them well, guide them well, and they will be your successor one day! The key to YOU being successful is not how successful YOU are. It is how successful YOUR successors are when they replace you one day! THAT.. is what I can call success!"

District Governor of District 308B2, Hudson Hah once said, in order to strengthen the youths of today, we need to teach them to SERVE with PASSION! It is only via Passion, they will only then learn to do what they like, and like what they do!

We know everyone is very busy with their hectic lifestyle, family matters, Lions Club events, business etc etc. Here are some guidelines for you to look at. If your club has some LEO Clubs under your wing, why don't you take a look at the following guidelines by LCI. Use the following resources to plan and promote your “Engaging Our Youth” Global Service Action Campaign project.
  • Press Release: Send a press release to local media to encourage them to publicize your “Engaging Our Youth” Global Service Action Campaign.
  • Call to Action Flyer: Get an overview of the “Engaging Our Youth” Global Service Action Campaign – and ideas to jumpstart your project.
  • Planning Guide: Use this step-by-step approach to organize your very own “Engaging Our Youth” Global Service Action Campaign.
  • Project Ideas: Review ideas you and your club can use to partner with youth to develop a signature service project during the month of August that will make a big impact on your community. The opportunities are endless!
An idea from District 308B2 Leo Clubs
The trick to focus on youths today is not just about doing it the "Old School" style... Youths today are no longer like before! They think quick, react fast, and their knowledge and usage of the IT gadgets these days outbeat any one of us! However, in order to be there for them.. in order to be their friend in need, how about having your Leo Advisor gather your Leo BOD one day and talk to them about organizing a project together in-conjunction with this month's Youth month? It could be a simple visit to a welfare home, or a school service project. All in all, YOUR presence as advisors to your LEO Club is essential in sending the message across to the "kids" that... YOU are there for them. Not only that, school teachers and authorities would also appreciate that the sponsoring Lions Clubs are there too!

Why not treat this as the first Lions-Leo project in this fiscal year in line with the call from LCI? For District 308B2, I have obtained some sponsors for T-shirts, stationery sets, stickers, books, etc etc.. Best for a visit to an orphanage! Limited stocks apply ya. In order to do this properly.. let's plan it this way:

i) Organize a Lions-Leo Visit to an Orphanage, ensure that both your Lions Club members and Leos are in the Organizing Committee, and not the Leos only.
ii) A minimum of 3 Lions member and your Leos to be present at the home
iii) Form a committee, and have your Organizing secretary send an email to me at!
iv) Give me details as follow:
- Name of Orphanage and location
- Name of Lions Club and your leo Clubs
- Expected number of Lions and Leos to turn up
- Number of children in the orphanage
v) A draft programme

*Strictly on a first-come first serve basis, I have approximately 300-400 sets of goodies to be given away for you to be used in your project either as door gifts, prizes for games etc etc. Please ensure that your club submit to LCI as part of the "Engaging Our Youth" Global service campaign, and your leos submit to me for the August MAAR report. 

15 GCS Movie tickets will be given away to the Best Project base on most creative category (You can now take your kiddos for a movie!)

My RCCs and I will select the best project from this Lion-Leo Joint Project, and your winning Leo Club will also walk away with RM200.00 cash prize for their Project Account!!!!
Kindly note that my warehouse is in Damansara, Ipoh and Penang only, for Kedah/Perlis clubs, kindly arrange for pick up of the goodies!

Well .. what are you waiting for? Think Young.. Think Youth... Think Future!!!!!


Lion Alan Thoo
B2 Passion Editor
District Chairperson for Leo Clubs 
District 308B2

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Lion Alan Thoo and your Editorial Team for this B2 Passion Online Newsletter. I appreciate all your precious time and effort in preparation,presentation and disseminating info to us.
